Sunday, October 11, 2009

in today's entry to my blog, i wanna tempt everyone on every food that i ate while in klang..haha..all thanks to my dear housemate as well as her grandmother and her parents and uncles..
well, for the record, i have never eaten a pure bak kut teh dish in pg before....until i came to sp, and i ate the ones that were supposedly good in sp...but all my life i can hear ppl praising the BKT in klang adn how good it was i was really curious and decided to follow my housemate back to her humble hometown....
the next day upon my arrival, her dear mom brought us EARLY in the MORNING to go eat one of the types of BKT in heard me right, i ate BKT in the morning(maybe u guys have eaten in the morning but nt me.hehe..*shy**)and there is not only 1 type of BKT in klang..there were 3 types, man...
wow..was i living in the jungle all this while??haha..

we ate yummy yummy duck rice...we ate half a duck betweeen the 2 of so full ....but it was really nice and crispy..hehe...
doesn't it look delicous and crispy???yum yum...

we even had the famous chic rice and the assorted flavoured ice drink....look at the 3 colours in my cup..muahahaha....
fried chicken... look at this girl...hahaa....
3 coloured drink...

had some nice hakka mee for breakfast....

and 'zhi hun ken' after a meal of duck....with a plate of sizzling seafood.....

did i mention that her mom makes really delicious noodles..cant rmb the name...
dinner treat by her grandmother and her had crabs too...yum yum!!!muhahahah...i ate till i became a fat pig!

ok..that's abt it...i got lazy!!hehe...enjoy the food...

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